Sunday, September 19, 2010

Assignment 2 - Glass + Modulated Light

I played a bit with a glass paper weight in our studio. It was worth doing because I got some cool modulated light effects and I killed two birds with one stone. Yay!

Right under the glass ball you can see some picture of the Glory Window from the Thanksgiving Square in Dallas. Since I live nearby, I decided to get some photos of the famous stained glass within the Thanksgiving Chapel. You need to pay a small fee to get in and lay down on the floor to take the pictures, but altogether, it is worth it. The spiral is pretty amazing and the light dancing on the ceiling is very interesting.

I also got a plasma lamp that I thought would be worth photographing. I took it to the bathroom and took its picture with the mirror. It happened a while ago, but I keep all my files backed up on my main external hard drive and this one simply came handy.

The pictures of the light coming through the windows is from Milan, Italy. The other one where the light comes from the top is from Pompeii, Italy. It was early morning and the light was just making it's way through the glass.

The picture of an angel came from Dallas and it was made by means of a circular filter which you put on the top of your camera lens. I had so much fun with it and whenever I want to be dramatic with my angels I use it.

I still need to work on my paper samples. It will come eventually (like by Tuesday), but I don't want to rush anything and only take pictures of random paper. I am going to work on some more modulated light, too. You can't have too much on your blog, right?

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